3 Ways to Clean a Window AC Unit

There is nothing worse than living in a hot, sticky apartment with no air conditioning. You can combat this problem by installing a window air conditioning unit. However, the only way to keep your home cool and free of bugs is by cleaning it correctly. The following are tips for how to clean a window AC unit.

1. Remove the Dirt

The best way to start any project is by gathering everything you need ahead of time. When cleaning a window AC unit, collecting cleaners, vinegar, ammonia, water, and paper towels is vital. Ensure you dust off any debris left over from installation before spraying all surfaces with soap and water solution.

2. Use Bleach

To make sure you get rid of all the dirt that may have seeped through the ceiling or walls of your apartment, you can use bleach. Mix about one capful with two gallons of water, and spray it on the unit. Leave it on for about 10 minutes before wiping it off with a paper towel. If any breach residue remains, give it a second treatment, spraying and wiping as before.

3. Use a Chemical Spray

Many people are under the impression that using bleach and water is enough to eliminate hiding places for dust mites, mold, mildew, and spiders. However, this is not always true. If you want to go the extra mile, mix one cup of bleach with two gallons of water for a more thorough clean. If you will use this mixture, wait until after you have sprayed your unit first with a few squirts of ammonia.

It is vital to ensure that your air conditioning units are clean. Regular cleaning can maintain a sparkling and comfortable home atmosphere. At Kayl Heating and Air, we guarantee top-notch services in the greater Tri-cities area of Nebraska. To keep your AC unit functioning efficiently, contact us today. Our team of certified heating and air services professionals can deliver quality services for your home comfort equipment. Feel free to visit our website for more details.